$336,613.12 of $350,000 96%

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors, every dollar you give from now until the end of the year will be doubled—up to $350,000.

Your partnership is the driving force behind the changed lives of thousands of children in Thailand, Burma, and Brazil. When you give, a child’s story is rewritten!

As you help to rewrite more stories, please consider a generous year-end gift that will allow us to fulfill our mission to Prevent child exploitation in all its forms, Rescue those caught in it, and help Heal those harmed by it.  

Hear a Child’s Rewritten Story!

This is where the link will jump to

Become a Freedom Partner!

By becoming a Freedom Partner, you are locking arms with us in this fight to end child trafficking and exploitation.

Prevent – $50 monthly provides a child with weekly tutoring, counseling, warm meals, and vocational training.

Rescue – $100 monthly provides clothing, food, medical care, and a safe place for a rescued child in our safe homes.

Heal – $150 monthly provides a forever family, education, medical care, and long-term care for a rescued child.

This is My Story!
